Display a “Login” link with popup for non-logged-in users and a “Welcome message” for logged-in users.
Logged-in users:

Non logged-in users:

How to setup the login/register option?
The login/register link could be added through 2 methods:
- Header Builder
- Old header system (Top Bar and Main Header)
If you are running Botiga with the Header Builder:
1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Header Builder, click to add a new component in the header and select the Login/Register component

Once you add the component in the header, the login/register settings will load in the customizer left sidebar. Check the step 2 further below to learn more about each login/register setting.
If you are running Botiga with the old header system:
1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Top Bar or Appearance > Customize > Header > Main Header and enable the Login/Register component
Once you have the Login/Register component enabled, new options should appear. Scroll until the Login/Register options and click on the button Login/Register Settings
2. New options for login/register will load in the left sidebar
- Login Link Text: The login text link that is shown to non logged-in users.
- Enable Popup: Open the popup with login/register forms. If this option is disabled, the user will be redirected to default WooCommerce login/register page. Important: To show the “register” form, you need check the option “Allow customers to create an account on the “My account” page” in the WooCommerce plugin Settings > Account & Privacy.
- Show Welcome Message: Display the welcome message with dropdown account links when the user is logged-in.
- Welcome Message Text: The welcome message text.