Built-in product Ajax search

Allow your customers to search and get results in real time without loading other pages.

The options to setup the ajax search could be find through Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce > Search

  1. Enable Ajax On Search Fields: Turn on/off the Ajax search feature.
  2. Enable Search by SKU: Return products based on either product name or SKU.
  3. Results Amount Per Search: Control how many results/products should be returned in the search.
  4. Results Description: Select which product field should be displayed in the product results description.
  5. Results Description Length: Controls the number of words to be displayed in the results description.
  6. Results Order By: Control how the results should be ordened (product name, date, price, random, etc..)
  7. Results Order: Control if the order of results should be whether “Ascending” or “Descending”.
  8. Display Categories: Display or not categories in the results.