The Display Conditions feature comes in handy if you wish to have some parts of Botiga displayed only under certain conditions. Having such a powerful feature will let you achieve fully dynamic websites and let you differentiate yourself from the competition.
You can find this module throughout Botiga in places such as:
- Header Builder (Transparent Header)
- Header Image
- Custom Sidebars
Display Conditions Options
The Display Conditions options will let you set things such as the pages, posts, or categories you wish to display the element on. There are many options here, including special pages such as 404, search, and blog. You can also go the exclusion route here, leading to some exciting flows.
The User Conditions options will let you display or hide things in instances such as if the user is logged in or not, or even based on their role.
Header Builder (Transparent Header)
To enable Display Conditions in the Transparent Header from the Header Builder, you can go to Customize > Header > Header Builder and follow the steps below:

- Enable the transparent header option
- Set the header transparent display conditions
Once you clicked on Add/Edit Conditions (2) popup will appear where you will find an option to include/exclude certain pages, posts, or based on user condition role as well.

You can include/exclude as many conditions as you would like along with user condition options.
Header Image
To enable Display Conditions in the Header Image, you can go to Customize > Header > Header Image, upload any image to the header image option and then, set the display conditions:

Once you clicked on Add/Edit Conditions popup will appear where you will find an option to include/exclude certain pages, posts, or based on user condition role as well.

You can include/exclude as many conditions as you would like along with user condition options.
Custom Sidebars
To enable Display Conditions in the ‘Custom Sidebars’, firstly make sure you have the ‘Custom Sidebars’ module enabled at Appearance > Theme Dashboard > Theme Features

Then, go to Customize > Navigation> Sidebar and follow the steps below:

- First of all, give a name to your custom sidebar.
- Click on the gear icon. Once clicked Display Condition popup will appear as shown in the screenshot below.

Once you configure the options, click Save Conditions, this way you can include/exclude custom sidebars to your specific pages, and posts.