You can find options to use Adobe Fonts at Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Typography > General:
Once you have the “Adobe Fonts” selected, a new option to insert the Adobe Fonts API Token will display:
Follow the below steps to select your fonts and generate an API Token:
- Acess the Adobe Fonts website and create an account: Adobe Fonts
- (Optional) If you don’t have a Creative Cloud Subscription it’s a good idea remove CC fonts from the search results list, so you can filter only the free fonts:
3. Select the font you wish to use and click in the “code” icon:
4. A popup will open with some more steps
1. Enter the project name. 2. Select the font variations you want to include 3. Click on “Create” to proceed with project creation
<img alt="file-m0olplc3i2-6722752" src="">
- Click on the button “Done”
6. Click in your profile avatar in the top right corner and API Tokens:
- Click on the button “Make me a new API Token” to generate a new token:
- Back to your website customizer, paste the API Token in the respective field and click “Get Fonts”:
A list with your Adobe Fonts will be rendered below the fields. You can enable or disable the project/fonts at any time:
9. Go to typography options at Appearance > Customize > Typography (Headings or Body) and select the font family you wish: