The Hooks system in Sydney Pro helps you insert your custom HTML code or shortcodes in pre-established positions across the theme. You can add your code by going to
Customize > Hooks. The Hooks panel is split into five sections, as follows: General, Header, Content, Sidebar, Footer. To prevent unwanted results, the theme automatically balances all tags.
- wp_head: adds code to the <head> tag. Useful for various scripts.
- Before site: before everything else on your website
- After site: after everything else on your website
- Before header
- After header
- After hero: if you have hero like a header image or header slider
- Main Container: After Start & Before End
- Before Archive Post & After Archive Post
Before Single Post & After Single Post
- Sidebar: After Start – right after the sidebar container opening tag
- Sidebar: Before End – right before the sidebar container ending tag
- Before Footer: before all footer content, including copyright bar and footer widgets
- After Footer: after footer widgets and copyright bar
- wp_footer: right before the closing <body> tag, useful for various scripts.