The Stock Scarcity module allows you to inform your visitors about low-stock products by showing a progress bar on your WooCommerce product pages.
The progress bar creates a sense of urgency and motivates your customers to add the product to the cart before your store runs out of it.
In the screenshot below, you can see an example of a WooCommerce product page with a progress bar that notifies your customers that the product is only available in a limited quantity:

Below, we’ll see how you can configure and enable Merchant Pro’s Stock Scarcity module on your WordPress site.
1. Open the Stock Scarcity Module
First, open your Merchant dashboard by clicking the Merchant menu in the left sidebar of your WordPress admin area.
Find the Convert More section, and click the Stock Scarcity module to open its settings page:

2. Configure the Module’s Settings
On the admin page of the Stock Scarcity module, you’ll find three groups of settings — we recommend that you review and configure each option before activating the module:
- Settings – Here, you can define the placement of the Stock Scarcity progress bar and the low-stock threshold below which it will appear on your product pages.
- Text Formatting Settings – This option allows you to change the text that Merchant Pro shows above the progress bar.
- Style Settings – Here, you can customize the design of the progress bar.

Once you’ve configured all the settings, click the Save button in the top-right corner of the page.
3. Enable the Stock Scarcity Module
To activate the module, click the Enable button at the top of the page:

4. Track the Stock Quantity for Your Products
Merchant Pro will only show the progress bar on a product page if:
- you track the stock quantity for that product
- AND the stock quantity is below the low-stock threshold that you defined in Step 3 above
You can set up stock quantity tracking from your WooCommerce product pages.
To do so, click the Products > All Products menu in the left sidebar of your WordPress admin area and open a product. Scroll down to the Product data section and click the Inventory tab.
Once the tab opens, check the ‘Track stock quantity for this product’ option and fill in the Quantity field (which records the currently available items in your store):

Finally, scroll back to the top of the page and click the Update button to make the changes live.