Pro Bulk Discounts

The Bulk Discounts module allows you to offer discounts when customers buy multiples of a product or when they purchase a specified quantity of products from your store or a specific category.

With the Bulk Discounts module, you can create percentage or fixed discounts for a product. You can also add multiple bulk discount offers to the same product to create tiers.

Bulk discount offers can be applied to all products, specific product categories, specific product tags, or individual products. Additionally, you can exclude specific products from an offer. The Bulk Discounts module also supports variable products.

Your customers will see the bulk discount offers prominently displayed on your WooCommerce product pages, encouraging them to purchase more and save.

In the screenshot below, you can see an example of Merchant Pro’s Bulk Discounts module. It offers two discount tiers: customers get a 10% discount if they buy at least three items, and a 15% discount if they buy at least five:

You only need to define your discount rules, and Merchant Pro will take care of everything, including:

  • showing the total amount the customer will save with each discount tier
  • automatically calculating the monetary value of percentage discounts (e.g. the first banner in the above screenshot shows $2.10 instead of 10%)
  • applying only the highest eligible discount tier (e.g. if a customer buys five items, the first discount tier won’t apply anymore so they won’t get both discounts)
  • deducting the appropriate discount from the product price and total amount on the Cart page for a seamless checkout experience

In the screenshot below, you can see how the applied bulk discount appears on the Cart page:

Merchant Pro also allows you to display upsells on the Cart, Checkout, and Thank You pages, promoting bulk discount offers that customers can qualify for based on the items in their cart.

This dynamic upsell feature helps drive higher average order values by nudging customers to purchase more and take advantage of the available discount. See below for more on how upsell offers work in Merchant.

In the screenshot below, you can see an example of a cart upsell CTA (call to action) added with Merchant Pro’s Bulk Discounts module:

Below, we’ll see how to set up and configure Merchant Pro’s Bulk Discounts module.

1. Open the Bulk Discounts Module

Open your Merchant dashboard by clicking the Merchant menu in the left sidebar of your WordPress admin area.

Find the Boost Revenue section, then click the Bulk Discounts module to open its settings page:

Location of the Bulk Discount module in the Merchant dashboard in the WordPress admin area, screenshot

2. Create and Configure Your First Bulk Discount

You can create the offers one by one on the admin page of the Bulk Discounts module.

To create a new offer, click the Add New Offer button:

Location of the Add New Offer button on the admin page of the Bulk Discounts module, screenshot

Once the Campaign section appears on the screen, open its settings, and configure each option:

  • Offer name – The name of your offer; it will only appear on the module’s admin page (e.g. ‘Buy 3, get 10% off each’; default value: ‘Campaign’).
  • Offered product(s) – Here, you can add the products you want to include in the offer. The available options are: 
    • All products – The offer will be shown for all products; you have the option to exclude products. Regarding the Include all cart products toggle:
      • When the Include all cart products option is toggled off, customers must purchase the specified quantity of the same product in your store to qualify for the discount. For example, if the discount is set to “Buy 3, Get 10% off,” customers need to add 3 items of the same product to their cart to receive the 10% discount.
      • When the Include all cart products option is toggled on, customers can mix and match different products to reach the specified quantity and qualify for the discount. For example, with the “Buy 3, Get 10% off” discount, customers can add any combination of products to their cart as long as the total quantity meets the requirement of 3 items.
    • Specific products – You can use real-time search to add one or more individual products (you can also add variable products).
    • Specific categories – You can select one or more product categories from a dropdown list; you have the option to exclude products. Regarding the Include all category products toggle:
      • When the Include all category products option is toggled off, customers must purchase the specified quantity of the same product within the selected categories to qualify for the discount. For example, if the discount is set to “Buy 3, Get 10% off” and applies to the “Cosmetics” category, customers need to add 3 items of the same product from the Cosmetics category) to their cart to receive the 10% discount.
      • When the Include all category products option is toggled on, customers can mix and match different products within the selected categories to reach the specific quantity and qualify for the discount. For example, with the “Buy 3, Get 10% off” discount applied to the “Cosmetics” category, customers can add any combination of products from the Cosmetics category to their cart as long as the total quantity meets the requirement of 3 items.
    • Specific tags – You can select one or more product tags from a dropdown list; you have the option to exclude products.
  • Quantity – Here, you can define the number of items a customer needs to buy to get the bulk discount offer.
  • Discount – This option lets you choose between a percentage and a fixed discount and define the value of the discount in either percentage or the currency (e.g. $) you set for your store (you can change the currency by going to WooCommerce > Settings > General > Currency options > Currency in your WordPress admin area).
  • Exclude coupons – Here, you can set whether you want to allow customers to use coupons on top of the discounted price (in this case, toggle the option off) or not (in this case, toggle the option on).
  • User Condition – Here, you can choose which users or user groups will see this bulk discount offer. The available options are All Users, Selected Users, and Selected User Roles.
  • Product Single Page – This panel includes multiple options. They allow you to configure how this bulk discount offer will appear on the single product pages. We’ll detail each option of the Product Single Page panel below.
  • Cart Page – This panel includes three options. They allow you to enable and configure a Cart page upsell for this bulk discount offer. We’ll detail each option of the Cart Page panel below.
  • Checkout Page – This panel includes five options. They allow you to enable and configure a Checkout page upsell for this bulk discount offer. We’ll detail each option of the Checkout Page panel below.
  • Thank You Page – This panel includes six options. They allow you to enable and configure a Thank You page upsell for this bulk discount offer. We’ll detail each option of the Thank You Page panel below.
Options of a Bulk Discounts campaign

i. Configure Your Product Single Page Settings

The Product Single Page feature is activated by default. This means that this bulk discount offer will automatically appear on the relevant WooCommerce product pages.

You can customize its appearance and behavior (or deactivate it) by opening the panel and configuring its settings:

  • Status – Here, you can activate or deactivate the offer on single product pages. The available options are Inactive and Active.
  • Placement on product page – Here, you can choose whether you want to show the bulk discount offer before or after the add-to-cart section on the product pages.
  • Offer title – This is the title of your offer that your customers will see on the product pages (default value: ‘Buy more, save more!’).
  • Save label – This is the text on the label that summarizes the offer (default value: ‘Save {amount}’). You can use the following variables within the text: 
    • {amount} – It automatically calculates the amount that your customer will save.
    • {percent} – It shows the discount percentage.
  • Tier format text – This is the text of the detailed description of the bulk discount offer (default value: ‘Buy {quantity}, get {discount} off each’). You can use the following variables within the text:
    • {percent} – It shows the discount percentage.
    • {quantity} – It displays the quantity that your customer needs to buy to get the discount.
    • {discount} – It shows the discount value per item.
  • Item text – This is the label shown before the item price in the bulk discount section on the product pages (default value: ‘Per item:’).
  • Total text – This is the label shown before the total price in the bulk discount section on the product pages (default value: ‘Total price:’).
  • Cart item discount title – This is the label shown on the Cart page below the discounted product (default value: ‘Discount’). This, and the next, option applies to the bulk discount offers that your customer has already added to the cart. If you also want to show an upsell on the Cart page, you can activate it from the Cart page panel (see below).
  • Cart item discount description – This is the description of the applied discount on the Cart page (default value: ‘A discount of {amount} has been applied.’). You can use the following variables within the text:
    • {amount} – It automatically calculates the amount your customer will save with this bulk discount offer.
    • {percent} – It shows the discount percentage.
  • Title font size – Here, you can change the font size of the module’s title (default value: 16 px).
  • Title font weight – Here, you can change the font weight of the module’s title. The available options are Light, Normal, and Bold.
  • Title text color – Here, you can change the color of the module’s title (default value: #212121).
  • Choose background color – This is the module’s background color (default value: #fcf0f1).
  • Choose border color – This is the module’s border color (default value: #d83b3b).
  • Choose text color – This is the module’s body text color (default value: #3c434a).
  • Choose label background color – This is the background color of the save label (default value: #d83b3b).
  • Choose label text color – This is the text color of the save label (default value: #ffffff).
Options of the Product single page panel

ii. Configure Your Cart Page Settings

The cart upsell feature is deactivated by default. You can activate and configure it by opening the Cart page panel and configuring the following settings:

  • Status – Here, you can activate or deactivate the upsell feature on the Cart page. The available options are Inactive and Active.
  • Offer title – This is the call-to-action message (default value: ‘Add {quantity} more to get {discount} discount off each’).
  • Button text – This is the label on the button that appears under the CTA message (default value: ‘Add To Cart’).
Options of the Cart page panel

iii. Customize Your Checkout Page Settings

The Checkout Page panel allows you to create a checkout upsell for this offer. If your customer hasn’t yet purchased the number of products specified in this bulk discount offer, they can still do so before completing the checkout process.

You have access to the following options:

  • Status – Here, you can activate or deactivate the checkout upsell feature for this offer. The available options are Inactive and Active (it’s deactivated by default).
  • Placement – This option lets you define the placement of the Bulk Discounts upsell on the Checkout page. The available options are Before Billing Details (this is the default option), After Billing Details, Before Order Details, Before Payment Gateways, Before Order Placement Button, and After Order Placement Button.
  • Offer title – This is the call to action that appears at the top of the checkout upsell box (default value: ‘Add {quantity} more to get {discount} off’). You can use the {quantity} and {discount} variables to dynamically show the number of products your customers need to purchase and the discount amount.
  • Discount text – This is the text string that appears inside the checkout upsell box below the name of the product that the customer needs to purchase to qualify for the bundle discount. You can use the {product price} and {discount} variables to dynamically show the price of the product and the discount amount (default value: ‘{product_price}’).
  • Button text – Here, you can change the label on the button inside the checkout upsell box (default value: ‘Add To Cart’).
Checkout Page options of the Bulk Discounts module

iv. Customize Your Thank You Page Settings

If your customers haven’t qualified for the bulk discount before completing the checkout process, you can still show them a post-purchase upsell on your Thank You page. The post-purchase upsell displays the Bulk Discounts offer on the Thank You page together with a customized message.

You can enable and configure the post-purchase upsell in the Thank You Page section on the module’s admin page.

You have access to the following options:

  • Status – Here, you can activate or deactivate the post-purchase upsell feature for this bulk discount offer. The available options are Inactive and Active (it’s deactivated by default).
  • Offer title – This is the call to action that appears at the top of the post-purchase upsell box. You can use the {quantity} and {discount} variables to dynamically pull the specified quantity and discount amount from the database (default value: ‘Add {quantity} more to get {discount} off’).
  • Placement – This option lets you define the placement of the Bulk Discounts upsell box on the Thank You page. The available options are On Top, Before Order details (this is the default value), and After Order details.
  • Discount text – This is the text string that appears inside the post-purchase upsell box below the name of the product that the customer needs to purchase to qualify for the discount. You can use the {product price} and {discount} variables to dynamically show the price of the product and the discount amount (default value: ‘{product_price}’).
  • Bonus tip text – Here, you can add a short message that explains to your customers how a post-purchase upsell works:
    • Default message: “Bonus: You will also receive this discount off each item you just purchased as part of this bulk discount offer.”
  • Button text – Here, you can change the label on the button inside the Bulk Discounts upsell box (default value: ‘Add To Cart’).
Thank You Page options

Once you’ve configured all the settings, click the Save button in the top-right corner of the page.

3. Enable the Bulk Discounts Module

To activate the module, click the Enable button at the top of the module’s settings page:

Location of the Enable button

4. Create More Bulk Discounts

If you want to create additional bulk discount offers, click the Add New Offer button and configure your new offer.

You can also:

  • duplicate an existing bulk discount offer using the Duplicate menu (see in the screenshot below)
  • rearrange the order of your bulk discount offers using drag and drop (changing their order here also changes their order on the relevant single product pages and their priority in the upsell queue)
Location of the Duplicate icon

5. Activate the Bulk Discounts Shortcode (for Developers)

The Bulk Discounts module is also available as a shortcode.

Note that activating the shortcode automatically deactivates the ‘Placement on product page’ option, so if you have already added bulk discount offers to your store, they will disappear from the product pages. This is a security measure to prevent duplicate content when the shortcode is used.

The shortcode is [merchant_module_volume_discounts].

You can activate it by toggling the Use shortcode option on and clicking the Save button in the top-right corner of the page:

The location of the Use shortcode option on the admin page of the module

How Do Upsell Offers Work in Merchant?

Merchant Pro offers upsell offers through three modules: Bulk Discounts (this module), Buy X, Get Y, and Frequently Bought Together. You can show upsells on the Cart, Checkout, and Thank You pages.

When multiple upsell offers apply to a product, only one upsell will be displayed based on the following priority order:

  1. Bulk Discounts
  2. Buy X, Get Y
  3. Frequently Bought Together

Within each module, you can rearrange the priority of individual offers using drag and drop.

Video Walkthrough

In the video below we go through how to create bulk discounts using Merchant Pro step by step:


The Bulk Discounts module in Merchant Pro is a powerful tool for increasing average order values and encouraging customers to purchase more. By setting up attractive bulk discount offers and utilizing cart, checkout, and post-purchase upsells, you can boost your WooCommerce store’s revenue and provide a better shopping experience for your customers.

Experiment with different discount configurations and upsell strategies to find what works best for your store. For more information on related features, check out the documentation for the Buy X, Get Y and Frequently Bought Together modules.