Pro Extended WooCommerce module

This feature is available only in Sydney Pro. To learn more about Sydney Pro, please go here.

The Extended WooCommerce module adds a new set of WooCommerce-related features to your Sydney Pro-powered website. Please note that you have to activate this module to access its features.

How to activate the Extended WooCommerce module

To activate the Extended WooCommerce module, please go to your admin area and from there go to Appearance > Theme Dashboard. Once you’re here, locate the Extended WooCommerce module and click on Activate.



Features available in the Extended WooCommerce module

You can click on the links below to go to the section you want.


Note: The wishlist feature makes use of cookies. Some jurisdictions require you to inform your users about the cookies on your website. If this is the case for your jurisdiction, please add this to your cookie policy if you are using the wishlist feature.

The Wishlist feature allows you to loyalize your customers by enabling them to save their favorite products.

1. From your admin area, please go to  Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Wishlist and activate the feature by selecting one of the available layouts:

file-2eeegb2sqe-33307972. Once the layout is selected, new options will appear:


Wishlist Tooltip: Enable a tooltip that is shown on hover.
Tooltip Text: The text that is shown on the tooltip. 
Wishlist Page Settings: Create the page for the wishlist (where products added to the wishlist are shown). 

The Wishlist icon is shown in the header for easy access and you can disable it from Customize > Main Header > Cart & Account Icons > Enable Wishlist icon.

file-mdrznp1ghx-9704492This is how the wishlist is displayed on the product archives. You can also change the icon colors from the Style tab.


This is what the wishlist page content will look like:


Product swatch

This feature lets you turn dropdowns from variable products into fancy color selects and button swatches.



1. First, please enable the Product Swatch from Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Single Products > Product Swatch:


2. The next step is to create the attributes that will be used for product variations. For this purpose, please go to Products > Attributes:


3. Configure the terms for each attribute. Click on the Configure terms for this.

file-j0zmupr43p-24700664. Create the terms for each attribute:

file-vyyyncgmyu-14685975. Edit or create a WooCommerce product and set the product type as Variable Product:


6. In the Attributes tab, select the attribute and click to Add. Then, check the option “Used for variations” and include the terms in the “Value(s)” field. Click on the Save Attributes button. Repeat these steps for each attribute you want for your product. 

file-sghyuw50s8-27298397. In the Variations tab, click to “Add variation” through the “Go” button. Once the variation is added, select the attributes in the dropdowns and fill the options like image, SKU, price, etc. (you can click on the variation item to expand and see all the options)



8. This is done. Publish / Save the changes to your product.

To see the additional gallery layouts that are available for your single products, please go to  Customize > WooCommerce > Single Products > Layout. You will find new carousel styles, as well as styles that show your images in a grid.


At the moment, there are four additional product gallery layouts bringing the total to seven.

Multistep checkout

In addition to the two existing checkout page layouts, once you enable the Extended WooCommerce module, you can get access to a third layout called Multistep.

To activate this layout, please go to Customize > WooCommerce > Checkout.

file-kbalprwunt-6250426The fields will be the same in the Multistep layout, just grouped differently in order to offer a smoother checkout experience.


Single sticky add to cart

The sticky add to cart bar follows your user as he scrolls down the page. This is a useful feature if your single product pages tend to be long. You can enable this feature by going to  Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Single Products > Sticky Add to Cart.


file-tqggrmzs8o-34502131. Enable: Enable or disable (disabled by default)
2. Position: Control the position of the sticky add to cart (at the top or bottom of the browser window).
3. Elements: Show or hide the elements inside the sticky add-to-cart area.
4. Elements Spacing: The horizontal spacing between the elements.
5. Hide When Scroll To Top: Hide the sticky add to cart area when scrolling down the page 
6. Visibility: Show the sticky add to cart only in the selected devices. Possible values are “Show on all devices”, “Desktop only” and “Mobile/Tablet only”.

Shop header styles


  1. Shop Header Style: Control the layout of the shop header style.
  2. Alignment: Control the alignment of content (this option is available only when layout 1 is selected)
  3. Show Categories In The Header: Controls whether to show or not the products categories in the shop page header.
  4. Show Sub Categories In The Header: Controls whether to show or not the products categories in the category/taxonomy page header.

Single product tab styles

Take control over your product tab styles by going to Customize > WooCommerce > Single Products > Tabs. Once you’re here, you can select one of the predefined tab styles, choose the position for your tabs as well as set the opening mode.


If you are looking for styling options, you simply go to Style from the section’s header.


Shop pagination

With the Extended WooCommerce module for Sydney Pro, you can choose between 3 types of pagination for your shop archives: numeric, infinite load and load more (with button). To change the pagination type, please go to  Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog (General) > Layout.


1. Numeric: page numbers
2. Load More Button: Append more products to the list when clicking on the “Load More” button, without the need to load a new page.
3. Infinite Scroll: Append more products to the list when the scroll position is after the last product in the list, without the need to load a new page or click on a button.

Advanced Reviews

Sydney Pro improves the default WooCommerce reviews system with a new workflow and layout style. You can enable the Advanced Reviews through  Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Single Products > Advanced Reviews.


1.  Enable: Enable or disable the advanced reviews.
2.  Default Reviews Sorting: Controls the order that the reviews should be filtered in the first load of the page. Possible values are Newest, Oldest, Top Rated, and Low Rated.
3.  Settings / Discussion: By default, WordPress doesn’t have pagination enabled for comments/reviews. Clicking on the link within this option takes you to the default WordPress settings. To enable the pagination make sure to check the option below and define the “Break comments into page with…” with your desired value.


4.  Pagination Type: Controls the pagination type. Two options are available: Default and Load More. This option only works if you have pagination for comments/reviews enabled. 
5.  Display Order: Controls the display order from the entire advanced reviews section. Low values will move the section to the top. High values will move the section to the bottom.

Quantity input styles

To select one of the many available quantity input styles that are available when you activate the Extended WooCommerce module, please go to Customize > WooCommerce > General and pick the style you want.


Extra single product elements: shortcode and HTML

Two extra elements are available in the single product sortable option: shortcode and HTML. These are both powerful as they allow you to add any kind of content.


For example, see how I can add a contact form right after my single product Add to Cart button:


AJAX product search

To enable the AJAX product search and allow your users to get real-time results to their search queries, please go to  Customize > Woocommerce > Search and click on Enable AJAX on search fields. This will affect all WooCommerce search fields.


1. Enable Ajax On Search Fields: Turn on/off the ajax search feature.
2. Results Amount Per Search: Control how many results/products should be returned in the search.
3. Results Order By: Control how the results should be ordered (product name, date, price, random, etc..)
4. Results Order: Control if the order of results should be “Ascending” or “Descending”.
5. Display Categories: Display or not categories in the results. 

First of all, please note that Sydney Pro has a dedicated sidebar for your shop pages. You can go to Appearance > Widgets to add items to it. If you don’t add items to it, the regular sidebar will be shown

You can find the sidebar layouts at Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog > Layout > Sidebar.


If you choose the sidebar at the top position, a new option will show up to allow you to select the number of columns.

file-ipnorucy4x-9248816If you select the slide-out mode, you will have new options to control the sidebar toggle button.
