How to customize product cards

Product cards are simply the products that show up in your shop or product archives. This article will guide you through the customization possibilities that are available for product cards. Product card options can be located by going to Customize > Product catalog > Product card.


Once you expand the Product card section, you will find the following options:

  1. [Pro] Layout: this option let’s you display the product price inline with the product title.file-hrufxpbado-2648774
  2. Add to cart button: you can use the first option to hide the add to cart button on shop archives or use the other options to customize its position. Please note that layouts 3 and 4 are available only in Sydney Pro.file-dtggfa9zdj-9218664
  3. [Pro] Quick view: enable quick view functionality by displaying a button that shows on hover and triggers a popup with info about your product. file-dnprrklqdn-5712689
  4. Card elements, alignment, and spacing: drag and drop product elements, enable or disable from the eye icon. You can also use the text alignment option to position all the product card content and you can use the Elements Spacing option to change the vertical distance between card elements.file-rl7jowaj48-9406268