All available single post options are located in Customize > Blog > Single posts.
To tweak the single posts, the following option groups are currently available:
- Sidebar
By default, single posts don’t have a sidebar. You can enable one and change its position between left and right. To populate your sidebar with widgets, please go to Appearance > Widgets.
Please note: individual sidebar control for each post is also available. Edit a specific post and see the Sidebar Layout option.
Post header
You can change the alignment of your post header (title and meta) and you can also customize its bottom spacing.
Here you will find all options related to single post featured images. You can enable/disable these images, place them below or above the post title and customize their bottom spacing.
The available meta elements are date, author, categories, and comments. You can use the options shown in the image above to position the meta group above or below the post title, control the vertical spacing and reorder the elements. Use the sortable Meta elements list to reorder the elements by drag & drop and click on the eye icon to enable/disable the ones you want.
The Elements section lets you enable/disable post tags, the author box, post navigation, and related posts.
The related posts feature picks posts from the same category as your current post.
Please note: if you have custom post types on your website, these options might affect some of those custom posts too, depending on how they’re built.