How to configure your blog archive

By default, on a new WordPress website, the blog (the list of your posts) will be displayed on your homepage. If you would like to reserve your homepage for some other content and have a dedicated blog page, you can do that by going to Customize > Homepage settings and select A static page. Select (or add) a page for your Homepage and one for your Posts page (this is where your blog archive will be).

The next step is to configure the settings for your blog. All blog archive options are located in Customize > Blog > Blog Archives. See the options below and read about their usage.




  • Blog layout: select one of the available layouts (2 classic-types, 2 list-types, 2 grid-types);
  • Enable sidebar and Sidebar position: click the toggle to enable the sidebar and the Sidebar position option will show up. To populate your sidebar with widgets, please go to Appearance > Widgets;
  • Columns: this option is available only for the grid layouts (layout 3 – regular grid, layout 5 – masonry) and you can use it to select the number of post columns you want for each row.

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  • Featured image spacing: the spacing between the featured image and the text content, in pixels;
  • Text alignment: aligns all text content (meta, title, excerpt, etc.);
  • Title spacing;
  • Show excerpt: enable this to show a short excerpt of your post. When you enable it, a new Excerpt length option will show up which lets you configure the number of words you want to show in your excerpt;
  • Read more link: enables a link to your post. Requires Show excerpt to be enabled.


The meta elements you can display in your posts archive for each post are post date, post author, post categories, and post comments;


  • Position: your meta elements can be displayed right before the title or after the excerpt (if you’ve enabled your excerpt, if not they will just go after the post title);
  • Meta elements: this is a sortable list of the available meta elements. You can click on the eye icon to enable/disable each element or use the bars icon to drag & drop and rearrange the meta elements;
  • Spacing: vertical spacing between the meta group and the items that precede/go after the meta group;
  • Delimiter style: delimiter symbol that separates your meta elements from each other. Please note: the Delimiter Style option also controls your meta delimiters for single posts.