How to white label Merchant and Merchant Pro?

The white label feature is available as part of our Agency license. It hides everything related to Merchant and Merchant Pro’s branding (such as the name, links, logos, and screenshots) so that you can replace it with your own branding.

You can add the white label feature to your WordPress site by installing and activating the aThemes White Label plugin, which is part of your purchase.

Note that when white labeling is active on your site:

  • the Merchant dashboard, including all the Merchant and Merchant Pro modules, completely disappears from the WordPress admin area
  • the aThemes White Label plugin also disappears from the Plugins > Installed Plugins page

The goal of this setup is that your client won’t know that you’re using a third-party plugin.

You can access the plugin’s admin page at any time by adding the /wp-admin/themes.php?page=athemes-white-label slug to the end of your domain name (e.g. if your domain name is, then you’ll need to type into your browser’s address bar).

Below, we’ll see step by step how to use the aThemes White Label plugin.

1. Install the aThemes White Label Plugin

Once you’ve purchased Merchant Pro’s Agency license, you can download the aThemes White Label plugin from the Downloads page of your aThemes profile.

Then, navigate to the Plugins > Add New Plugin page in your WordPress admin area, upload the file, and then install and activate the plugin:

Install and activate the aThemes White Label plugin

2. Configure the Settings

Once the aThemes White Label plugin is activated on your site, click the Appearance > aThemes White Label menu in the left sidebar of your WordPress dashboard to open its settings page.

Here, you’ll see the white label options for all the aThemes products that are activated on your site.

You can enter the replacement strings that you want to appear in your client’s WordPress admin area, including the:

  • name and URL of your agency
  • name, description, and screenshot of your theme
  • names and descriptions of all the aThemes plugins activated on your site, including Merchant and Merchant Pro

You can also have options to hide the author, version, changelog, and plugin actions for each plugin:

Options of the aThemes White Label plugin

When all the settings are configured, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

3. Activate the White Label Functionality

To activate the white label functionality, check the Activate White Label? box above the Save Changes button and then click the button again:

Activate White Label

Note that as soon as the feature is activated, the aThemes White Label menu disappears from your site.

To access the plugin’s admin page, add /wp-admin/themes.php?page=athemes-white-label manually to the end of your domain name, and then hit the Enter key.

Below, you can see what the white-labeled aThemes plugins (aThemes Blocks, Merchant, Merchant Pro, and aThemes Starter Sites) look like on the Plugins > Installed Plugins page — no trace of any of our branding; it’s all yours!:

White-labeled Merchant and other aThemes plugins in the WordPress admin area