The Page Headers module adds options related to the title area of your posts, pages, custom post types, and archives.
To activate the Page Headers module, please go to your admin area and go to Appearance > Theme Dashboard. Once you’re here, locate the Page Headers module and click on Activate.
Options for single posts or custom post types
To access the options, you need to go to Customize > Blog > Single Posts or Customize > {Your Custom Post Type} > Singles if you’re trying to customize the single views for a registered custom post type.
Once you’re here, you’ll notice a set of options:

You can change the layout as follows: default, image banner, overlay (the post title on top of the post featured image).
You can change the container type to match the theme’s width or go full width and set a height for it. Furthermore, you have options to align the post header and apply a parallax effect.
You can also add some custom content in your page header as HTML or with a shortcode. Simply enable the option. Choose if you want to display it below or above the post title and you’re all set.

Options for archives
The page header related options for archives are similar to the ones from the single posts, the difference being that you have to add a cover image for your category or categories, through the theme-provided option. Simply edit the category page or custom post type archive page and you’ll notice an option to set a cover image: