Posts Carousel

The Posts Carousel Widget allows you to display a carousel of posts or other custom post types on your website. It supports multiple skins and customization options to match your website’s design and functionality requirements.

Activate the widget

This widget is part of the aThemes Addons for Elementor plugin. To activate it, go to your admin area, visit the aThemes Addons dashboard, search for the widget, and click on the switch to activate it. It will now be available in your Elementor interface.

Widget options

Layout section

  • Columns: Select the number of columns to display on different devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile).

Query section

  • Post Type: Select the type of posts to display (e.g., posts, pages, or custom post types).
  • Taxonomy Filters: Apply filters based on categories or tags to refine the posts displayed.
  • Number of Posts: Set the number of posts to display.
  • Order By: Sort posts by date, title, or randomly.
  • Order: Choose between ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
  • Ignore Sticky Posts: Toggle to ignore sticky posts in the query.
  • Offset: Set the number of posts to skip before starting to display.

Elements section

  • Show Title: Toggle to display the post titles.
  • Title Tag: Choose the HTML tag for the title (e.g., H1, H2).
  • Show Featured Image: Toggle to display the post’s featured image.
  • Image Size: Select the size of the featured image.
  • Show Categories: Toggle to display post categories.
  • Category Display: Choose to display categories as links or labels.
  • Show Date: Toggle to display the post date.
  • Show Author: Toggle to display the post author.
  • Show Excerpt: Toggle to display the post excerpt.
  • Excerpt Length: Set the number of words for the excerpt.
  • Read More Text: Enter the text for the “Read More” link.

Settings section

  • Arrows: Toggle to show or hide navigation arrows.
  • Dots: Toggle to show or hide navigation dots.
  • Transition Speed: Set the speed of the slide transition (in milliseconds).
  • Autoplay: Toggle to enable or disable autoplay.
  • Autoplay Speed: Set the speed of the autoplay (in milliseconds).
  • Infinite Loop: Toggle to enable or disable infinite looping of slides.
  • Pause on Hover: Toggle to pause the autoplay when the carousel is hovered over.

Style tab

Customize the appearance of your posts carousel under this tab. You can adjust settings such as padding, border radius, background color, and box shadow to ensure the widget matches your website’s design.

Card Style

  • Padding: Adjust the padding inside the post cards.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius of the post cards.
  • Background Color: Customize the background color of the post cards.
  • Border: Configure the border settings, including color, width, and style.
  • Box Shadow: Add a shadow effect to the post cards.
  • Hover Effects: Customize hover effects, including background color, border, and box shadow.

Image Style

  • Image Spacing: Adjust the spacing around the featured image.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius of the featured image.

Title Style

  • Color: Set the color of the post title.
  • Hover Color: Set the hover color of the post title.
  • Typography: Customize the typography settings for the post title, including font family, size, weight, and more.

Meta Style

  • Color: Set the color of the post meta information.
  • Hover Color: Set the hover color of the post meta information.
  • Typography: Customize the typography settings for the post meta information.

Excerpt Style

  • Color: Set the color of the post excerpt.
  • Typography: Customize the typography settings for the post excerpt.

Arrows Style

  • Color: Set the color of the navigation arrows.
  • Background Color: Set the background color of the navigation arrows.
  • Hover Color: Set the hover color of the navigation arrows.
  • Hover Background Color: Set the hover background color of the navigation arrows.

Dots Style

  • Color: Set the color of the navigation dots.
  • Active Color: Set the active color of the navigation dots.
  • Height: Adjust the height of the navigation dots.
  • Width: Adjust the width of the navigation dots.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius of the navigation dots.
  • Spacing: Adjust the spacing between the navigation dots.

These style options ensure that your posts carousel looks professional and integrates seamlessly with your site’s overall design.


The Posts Carousel Widget is a versatile tool for showcasing your content in an engaging and interactive way. With extensive customization options, you can tailor the appearance and functionality to match your needs and provide an enhanced user experience.