ProContent protection

See this widget in action here.

The Content Protection Widget enables you to restrict access to specific content on your website based on password or user roles, providing advanced control and security.

Activate the Widget

This widget is part of the aThemes Addons for Elementor plugin. To activate it:

  1. Go to the aThemes Addons dashboard in your WordPress admin area.
  2. Search for the Content Protection widget.
  3. Toggle the switch to activate it. The widget will now appear in the Elementor editor.

Widget Options

General Settings

  • Protected Template: Choose the Elementor template to be protected.
  • Enable Content Protection: Toggle the content protection feature on or off.

Protection Type

  • Password: Restrict access using a password.
  • User Role: Restrict access based on WordPress user roles.

Password Settings

  • Password: Set the password required for access.
  • Placeholder Text: Customize the text shown in the password input field.
  • Submit Button Text: Customize the label for the submit button.
  • Enable Cookie: Optionally store the password for a specified number of days.
  • Cookie Expiration: Define the number of days the cookie remains valid.

User Role Settings

  • User Role: Select one or more user roles allowed to access the content.

Custom Message

  • Message: Customize the message shown to unauthorized users.
  • Wrong Password Message: Customize the error message for incorrect passwords.

Style Options

  • Message: Customize padding, margin, alignment, text color, background color, and typography for the message displayed.
  • Form: Adjust alignment, button colors, hover effects, and form field styling for password input.


The Content Protection Widget provides flexible options to protect sensitive content, whether through password or user roles. It’s ideal for premium content, member-only areas, or other restricted content scenarios.