See this widget in action here.
The Advanced Carousel Widget allows you to showcase images, videos, custom content, or Elementor templates in a dynamic carousel layout. Fully customizable and responsive, it enhances the visual appeal of your site.
Activate the Widget
This widget is part of the aThemes Addons for Elementor plugin. To activate it:
- Navigate to the aThemes Addons dashboard in your WordPress admin area.
- Search for the Advanced Carousel widget.
- Toggle the switch to activate it. The widget will now be available in the Elementor interface.
Widget Options
Slides Section
- Slide Type: Choose between Image, Video, Custom HTML, or Elementor Templates for your slides.
- Image: Upload an image or select one from your media library.
- Video: Add a YouTube or Vimeo video link to embed a video slide.
- Custom HTML: Insert custom HTML code for a completely personalized slide.
- Templates: Select Elementor templates to display as slides.
- Title and Text: Add optional titles and descriptions to accompany each slide.
- Links: Make your slides clickable by linking them to media files or custom URLs.
- Responsive Columns: Define the number of slides visible on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
Settings Section
- Image Height: Set the height of the images in the carousel.
- Image Fit: Choose between “cover” or “contain” to adjust image scaling.
- Arrows: Enable or disable navigation arrows for the carousel.
- Dots: Show or hide pagination dots below the carousel.
- Transition Speed: Control the speed of slide transitions.
- Autoplay: Enable autoplay and set the autoplay speed.
- Infinite Loop: Loop the carousel continuously.
- Pause on Hover: Pause autoplay when the user hovers over the carousel.
Style Options
- Image Style: Add border-radius to your carousel images for a rounded look.
- Title and Text: Customize the font, color, and typography of the titles and descriptions.
- Arrows: Modify the color, background, and hover effects of the navigation arrows.
- Dots: Customize the color, size, and spacing of the pagination dots.
The Advanced Carousel Widget offers unparalleled flexibility for creating dynamic and visually appealing carousels. Whether you’re showcasing images, videos, or custom designs, this widget has you covered.